Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gripping, Thoughtful and Funny Posts from NEAD

We had a wonderful response from our bloggers/website, facebook and twitter friends on Monday for National Entitlement Awareness Day! Thanks to everyone who participated and please know that it’s not too late to post on your blog, facebook, website, LinkedIn, Google+ or twitter accounts. The giant giveaway HERE goes until September 1st so if you feel the inclination to share by sending that link to your friends, please DO!

There were so many outstanding posts that we thought we’d share just a few with you! Maybe the most poignant was from Chrysula Winegar who linked to the an amazing site below. A great tool for helping our kids realize how blessed they are and stir feelings of entitlement is to see this great photo essay at the NYTimes showing children around the world and where they sleep. Our daughter Saren showed this to her kids and felt that they learned so much by looking at these photos. She said the pictures prompted some great discussions. You will see everything from a little boy who lives in a makeshift shack on top of a garbage dump to a pageant-queen 4-year-old with her decked-out princess bedroom. Check it out here: Where Children Sleep. Thanks Chrysula!

Our daughter Saydi’s Shumway’s contribution was hilarious! Just take a look at this post called Seriously Pottery Barn? The picture is so ridiculous that is will make you laugh and the commentary is even funnier!

Our friend Rachel Denning whom we met in India last summer while working full-time with her family in India at Rising Star did a terrific post called 4 Surefire Signs Your Kids are Stuck in the Entitlment Trap HERE.

Another outstanding post by Whitney Johnson points out that we want to do everything for our kids when what they really need is parents who make them do things for themselves! See if we don’t all fall into this trap HERE. Both Whitney and Macy Robison who did a wonderful post HERE are hosting their own giveaways just to move things along. Thanks you two!

Literally hundreds of moms (and some dads) posted on Monday for which we are so very grateful! We won’t know our numbers until the release date of the book on September 6th but we do know that our publishers at Penguin are thrilled with the pre-sales thanks to you!

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